Thanks for your interest in the sampler pack from Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World.

Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World—front cover
Just released in April, this life-changing book shows that…
- Ordinary people can change the world–ordinary people have changed the world many times (for example, the ordinary shipyard electrician who led the successful movement for a free Poland, or the humble nun in India who changed the whole way we think about poverty)
- “Impossible” is a state of mind–a dare, not a fact. If we believe a thing is possible, we can achieve it
- Fixing hunger, poverty,war, and catastrophic climate change is usually seen as impossible–but it’s within our capability
- We’ve tried too long to change them with methods that don’t work: guilt and shame. Harnessing the business community’s enlightened self-interest–and using our consumer power to reward those who do–will work better
- Business doing the right thing are already creating profitably products and services that make the world better (lots of examples from solopreneurs to the Fortune 100 top companies in the world)
- Businesses that ignore wider social problems will eventually be left behind
The downloadable PDF contains several excerpts from the book, as well as the full Table of Contents and Index—and all the endorsements so you can see why people like Chicken Soup for the Soul co-creator Jack Canfield and futurist Seth Godin are so excited. You’re only one click away.
But first–why not take an extra 10 seconds and sign up for primary author Shel Horowitz’s Clean And Green Club newsletter? Each month, you get a feature article (usually either a profile of a green/social change business, a how-to article on marketing for businesses that make a difference, or a lesson from Shel’s experience and thinking) as well as a review of one worthwhile book. Along with the monthly newsletter (published all the way back to 1997), you’ll also get eight special reports on green business profitability just for signing up: Seven Tips to Green Guerrilla Marketing Success (right away) and then Seven Weeks to a Greener Business, once a week for seven weeks, each covering a different aspect of greening your business:
- Saving energy/reducing carbon footprint
- Green printing
- Reducing waste
- Saving water
- Transportation
- Going deep green
- Marketing for green and social transformation businesses
(You’ll get an from GetResponse, our email service, asking you to confirm your subscription. If you don’t see it in your inbox, please check your spam folder and rescue it).
And here’s the download link to click for the Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World sampler: GM to Heal the World_SAMPLER